Charnell Lucich

Posts Tagged ‘Cookies


It’s been a while since I’ve updated. With the Holiday’s here, things have been a little hectic with work and the personal life. Speaking of the Holiday’s, this time of year is my most favorite for many, many reasons. Way too many to list so on with the list of 10 things that I love…

  1. Driving around with my family looking at beautiful Christmas lights.
  2. Cold air taking my breath away when I step outside this time of year.
  3. Starbucks holiday blends (you knew this would be on this list somewhere!).
  4. Letting the kids put up the Christmas tree and being so proud of the beautiful outcome.
  5. Bundling up like a snow bunny and having these Texans laugh at me (because to them, it’s not cold here yet).
  6. Staying in on the weekends avoiding the crazy Holiday shopping traffic.
  7. Waking up to the coldness in the house, wrapping up like a burrito in the blankets.
  8. Knowing that I’m going to be a Grandmother to a new life entering the world on February 10, 2009.
  9. The smell and sounds of a warm fireplace filling a room.
  10. Freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

Please comment and share what you love or start your own love list and share a link to it.

May you all share your Holidays full of smiles and laughter, good food and fun with your family and friends. To those of you traveling, be safe.


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