Charnell Lucich

Loss of a Family Member

Posted on: December 31, 2008


My son found Rex wandering the streets one afternoon when he was a kitten. He was hungry, skinny, and it was very obvious someone had just dumped him off. So like any animal lover, my son brought Rex home and asked if we could keep him.

Rex has been in our family ever since and remained with us for many years. Always happy, always kept a kitten-like mentality, and was always your best-friend.

Yesterday afternoon, we lost Rex to an unknown disease. I’ve done my best to stay strong and not cry, keeping it positive for the rest of the family and continue to tell my children that Rex is in a better place now and I’ve been pretty successful at all of it. Until now.


As I sit and type this post, tears streaming uncontrollably down my cheeks, I can’t help but remember the times that Rex would come and jump in my lap while I was on this laptop. He would take over the keyboard, and curl up in my lap when he was finished making his presence known and sleep peacefully, purring. Often, when I was in the kitchen, he would always come in there with me wrapping himself around my legs, meowing repeatedly and we’d have our own “kitchen talk”.

Rex was also notorious for seeking out all of my black colored clothes and making a bed out of them, whether they were in the dirty clothes basket or if he found them hanging in the closet (he’d pull them down). Black clothes and orange cat hair were always a not-so-good combo, yet I always let him lay on them and sleep.

May you rest in peace Rex. We love you.

5 Responses to "Loss of a Family Member"


I am so sorry to hear about your cat. My family just lost their dog so I know hard it can be to lose your beloved pet. Rex was a cutie looking at the pics.



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Ohhh noooo !

… this is sad news ;o( !



Thank you Angela. It’s never easy to lose a loved one. But we’ll always have the memories, pictures, and videos of him.


I wish I had known .. I’ll miss the little bugger too. Always a pain in the ass, but smarter than he let us know and cute as hell. From what you said about the last few months, he is in a better place, probably tearing something up as I type 🙂

Rest in peace Rex ..


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