Charnell Lucich

It’s Definitely Been A While

Posted on: May 1, 2019

I’m Back!

Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve been around here. So much has changed. Life got busy, it’s still busy. I’ve lost touch with a lot of my Social Media friends, friends in general, and more.

Back in 2014 I was in a car accident that really changed my life. I was in physical therapy for 17 months, visiting three different doctors every week during this time, and it was decided that I needed to have surgery on my spine. Yeah, that wasn’t happening in my mind. My spine is precious to me and all I could think about was something going terribly wrong.

After this long period of time I was determined that I was going to keep moving forward, tolerating the pain, and getting my life back. The life that a 50-something year old woman took away from me because texting on her phone was more important than paying attention to the red light that she was approaching. Yep, she drove right through the intersection and took out my car as I was turning on a protected green arrow.

Once I made this decision to take control of my life again, I put myself back on the job market and let me tell ya, there wasn’t much out there for me. It was devastating. So much that it sent me into a downward spiral of depression. What did that mean? Back to the doctors and more medications. By the time it was over and I decided that I’ve had enough, I was taking 19 different medications daily that included my lifetime maintenance medications from my car accident. I REALLY had enough. All I could think every morning while swallowing pill after pill was, “What the hell are you doing Charnell?!”

I was determined to get my life back. I struggled for some time but found my strength. I took myself off of all these insane medications, I put myself in a better place mentally every morning, and I was hell bent to get back what this woman took away from me.

Needless to say, I did it. I got my life back. I’ve been through multiple jobs, really not being happy in any of them because it just wasn’t my field or didn’t really fit with my skill set. They were just jobs that provided an income. I don’t like that. I was never one to see my job as “just an income”. My entire career I have always loved and had a passion for what I did. A passion for people I worked with and provided a service for.

Fast forward 5 years later and here I am. I’m putting myself back out there, only this time around I’m fortunate enough to be able to take my time and find the right job for ME. After losing a lot of time (and more) in my life … I’ve learned that this is now about me and my happiness. Because we all know, if Momma ain’t happy…

So here I am. I’m back! I’m getting back out here, firing up my Social Media accounts that have been inactive for all this time, and am now on the path to reconnect as well as find that awesome job where I can benefit both myself and my employer.

Here’s to new beginnings!

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