Charnell Lucich

Well, 2020 has been quite the year for sure. Talk about real world Jumanji, What level are we even on now? Is 2020 really the ‘New Normal’? Or have we all turned into media controlled, fear mongering, political agenda lab rats, or just sheeple? These are questions, in my own personal opinion that there will never be legitimate solid answers to. Do I believe COVID-19 is real? For me personally, that answer isn’t a simple yes or no. I do believe that there is a new virus. I do believe that this virus is affecting people mildly and devastatingly. But do I believe it is exactly what the media is reporting and that the case numbers are accurate? No. It’s something for sure, but what exactly it is…no one can give a solid, accurate, factual, answer to. Why? That is the main question.

What I can say is that it has really made me stop and take a look at my own personal life and how I was living it. Up until 2020 and all of the messes it brought, I didn’t think twice about much. I had my daily routine. I went about my days pretty much carefree just doing what I needed and wanted to do. I saw my children and granddaughter from time to time. I paid bills. I shopped. Just normal, everyday life. Since this pandemic, I’ve realized that what I’ve been doing prior to it was disregarding everything that was important. Taking advantage of what my ‘normal’ life had to offer. I was spending my days planning what I needed to get done in the amount of hours that the days allowed me to get it done in. Planning and trying to figure out how I was going to do this and that while my City was shutdown. Normal right? No.

Normal is reminding myself how important my Family is. Normal is remembering to be thankful for what I do have and that my Family is healthy, stable, and doing well, and surviving life, during these crazy times. Normal is spending more quality time with my Family, relaxing more, and being less focused on my “routine”. Normal is remembering to say a Prayer every night before I go to bed and to be thankful for every morning that I wake up to see another day.

These are the things that this Pandemic has reminded me of. These are the things that this “new normal” as everyone loves to say now, has made me really stop and realize just how much I’ve lost focus day after day, week after week, in my daily life. Sure, I keep up with the local news, new cases, the Presidential election news shitshow, Antifa, BLM, and more. I keep up with how all of 2020 is affecting the World. I’m mindful to stay on top of current events. But today, I am even more mindful of what affects my happiness, my peace, my emotional stability, and my heart, during all of this. And to me, that is what is most important and should’ve been most important all along. Not only does being mindful of these things affect me, it affects those around me.

This post this evening is not to stir up debate, more controversy, or anything other than to be a reminder to me and hopefully to others of two things only…

  • Remember to take time out for ‘you’.
  • Never forget what truly is important in your own personal lives today because we all know and have been reminded throughout this crazy year, tomorrow is not promised.


In today’s society time is more important than ever. Lives are busy and schedules are hectic between work, family, activities, and more. If you’re anything like me, having to make a trip to the grocery store is just something I don’t have time to do. When I am finally able to squeeze a trip into my day, I rush, get frustrated, and typically always end up forgetting something. I absolutely loathe having to grocery shop. Especially when my free time is limited.

I always see these “personal shopper” ads around the Internet. I’ve read up on all of them that are available in my City. I decided to check out InstaCart and give it a try. I was skeptical because I’m super picky about my meats and vegetables and was leery about having a stranger choose these for me. After my first order, I haven’t been to the grocery store since!

I’ve been using InstaCart for a little over two months now and I place orders one to two times a week. My personal shoppers have been great! When you download the InstaCart app and place your order, you’re notified of every step of your shopping from the time your shopper begins shopping, when your shopping is complete, and when your shopper is on their way to your home. You can track their whereabouts on the real-time map and are notified when they’ve arrived. While your shopper is shopping if they or you have any questions you can chat with them right in the app, send each other photos if needed of the exact item you want or just place a note on the item your ordering (ex: please choose the largest carrots they have or please choose the leanest/fattiest steak they have). And you’re groceries are delivered in one hour or less. Most of my deliveries have taken a maximum time of 45 minutes from placing my order to delivered. It’s fantastic!

If there are any problems with your groceries or your delivery, you simply contact their customer support either through the app, email, or by phone, and they immediately resolve your issue. I’ve only experienced a couple of issues with deliveries and I was immediately given the option of a refund or a credit towards my next order. No questions asked. They’re customer support is wonderful.

If you’ve never tried InstaCart I highly recommend doing so. When you sign up, you’ll get a 14 day free trial and if you’re not happy with it, cancel and you’re done.

If you decide to give it a try and take advantage of your free trial, please use my referral link: click here and you will receive $10.00 off of your first order.

If you had a great experience and decide to continue to shop with InstaCart, you have the option to pay a discounted yearly fee or pay for it monthly.

I highly recommend giving InstaCart a try!


I’m Back!

Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve been around here. So much has changed. Life got busy, it’s still busy. I’ve lost touch with a lot of my Social Media friends, friends in general, and more.

Back in 2014 I was in a car accident that really changed my life. I was in physical therapy for 17 months, visiting three different doctors every week during this time, and it was decided that I needed to have surgery on my spine. Yeah, that wasn’t happening in my mind. My spine is precious to me and all I could think about was something going terribly wrong.

After this long period of time I was determined that I was going to keep moving forward, tolerating the pain, and getting my life back. The life that a 50-something year old woman took away from me because texting on her phone was more important than paying attention to the red light that she was approaching. Yep, she drove right through the intersection and took out my car as I was turning on a protected green arrow.

Once I made this decision to take control of my life again, I put myself back on the job market and let me tell ya, there wasn’t much out there for me. It was devastating. So much that it sent me into a downward spiral of depression. What did that mean? Back to the doctors and more medications. By the time it was over and I decided that I’ve had enough, I was taking 19 different medications daily that included my lifetime maintenance medications from my car accident. I REALLY had enough. All I could think every morning while swallowing pill after pill was, “What the hell are you doing Charnell?!”

I was determined to get my life back. I struggled for some time but found my strength. I took myself off of all these insane medications, I put myself in a better place mentally every morning, and I was hell bent to get back what this woman took away from me.

Needless to say, I did it. I got my life back. I’ve been through multiple jobs, really not being happy in any of them because it just wasn’t my field or didn’t really fit with my skill set. They were just jobs that provided an income. I don’t like that. I was never one to see my job as “just an income”. My entire career I have always loved and had a passion for what I did. A passion for people I worked with and provided a service for.

Fast forward 5 years later and here I am. I’m putting myself back out there, only this time around I’m fortunate enough to be able to take my time and find the right job for ME. After losing a lot of time (and more) in my life … I’ve learned that this is now about me and my happiness. Because we all know, if Momma ain’t happy…

So here I am. I’m back! I’m getting back out here, firing up my Social Media accounts that have been inactive for all this time, and am now on the path to reconnect as well as find that awesome job where I can benefit both myself and my employer.

Here’s to new beginnings!


Not long ago I wrote about my dilemma: Apple or Android, the iPhone 6 or the next Nexus (not knowing what it would be at the time). Oh Nexus 6 how I love thee. Yep. I’m in love. I’ve had the Nexus 5 for a while now and I absolutely love it. I was also the one who went around saying that all these huge cell phones look like mini iPads attached to peoples faces. The Nexus 6 is also huge. And I’m okay with that. I’m looking forward to joining the league of people with mini phablets attached to the side of the face.

My reasoning for this first of all is simple; my eyes /need/ a larger screen. I find myself needing my glasses more and more each week, struggling to see the screen on my phone, and of course, kicking and screaming every minute of the experience. Looking forward to the 6 quad HD display.

Getting back to my geek-girl roots…

  • The Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 quad-core 2.7GHz processor and the Adreno 420 GPU will be amazing.
  • An f2.0 lens with a 13 megapixel camera because you know…selfies it’s all about the camera today.
  • 6 hours of use with only 15 minutes of charging? Yes please.
  • 3220 mAh battery; bigger is always better.
  • Looking forward to the new multitasking experience because I’m always all over the place.
  • Lollipop! Android 5.0 will be welcomed with open arms.

I’m really enjoying Android, which I never thought I would after being an Apple girl for many, many, years. But not being in a box anymore, the customization, the apps that are useful to me that aren’t available with Apple, and not being locked in really is great. Don’t get me wrong, I really loved my iPhones. They’re sexy. But I’m loving Andriod much more and I can’t wait to get my hands on the Nexus 6.

I’d love to hear others thoughts who have the iPhone 6 or the Nexus 6.


I often see Friday love lists and I used to do them myself. But today I’ve decided to create a Monday love list because well..Mondays generally suck. After an enjoyable weekend, Monday is always that dreaded day when you have to wake up early to go to work or school or try to get back in the swing of things. It’s just not a pleasant day. So to make my Monday a little more digestable, I’m going to think about the things I love. 🙂

Coffee. (you knew this was going to be here!)

My Granddaughter. This little girl is a very important part of my life. Very.

Family. Granted, there are days when they drive me absolutely mad – but I love them with all my heart.

Fall. There is something about the turning colors of leaves and the cooler weather that is just refreshing.

Blue jeans and my favorite worn out t-shirt.

ME time.

Hearing the laughter of a child.


Cooking a meal for my Family. There is something incredibly satisfying about seeing my Family with full bellies and hearing them complain about how good it was and how they ate way too much.

Yard work. It’s just…relaxing. After it’s done of course.


While you’re diving into your Monday, think about some of the things that you love and let the thoughts bring a smile to your face. 🙂

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